Depend clients

NDU – National Depository of Ukraine
National Depository of the Ukraine was established on December 18, 1998. The Securities and Stock Market State Commission and the National Bank of Ukraine signed an Agreement on Establishing the National Depository of Ukraine. NDU’s registration with the State took place on May 17, 1999.

Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, And Lithuania – Main CSDs (2017)
The three national CSDs of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, have all been consolidated into a single business and operated using one integrated platform.
This single CSD operates under a single licence under the new CSDR regulations, the first of its kind to be granted in the EU.
This CSD business is also fully integrated with ECB’s TARGET2-Securities (T2S), which it joined successfully in September 2017.
Iceland’s national CSD was added to the same single DEPEND platform in August, 2020, turning that implementation into a regional market covering four countries.
Although Iceland is in the EEA rather than the EU, it still adheres to CSDR and other European regulations related to post-trade processing in capital markets.

Depositaire Central / Banque de Reglement
DC/BR (Depositaire Central / Banque de Reglement), the clearing house for the BRVM (Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières), an eight-country regional market in West Africa serving the following countries:
Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo.

Malta Stock Exchange
Apart from admission and trading, the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) offers a comprehensive range of back-office services including maintenance of share and bond registers, clearing and settlement and custody services through its CSD.
Holdings may be registered in the name of the beneficial owner, as joint accounts, as well custody and nominee accounts.
Fixed income post-trade services, including registry and corporate actions are provided for corporate bonds as well as government bonds.
MSE were one of the few CSDs to go live with ECB’s TARGET2-Securities (T2S) settlement platform in July 2015 with a directly integrated CSD solution.

Central Depository of Armenia
Since Central Depository of Armenian (CDA) inception in 1996, CDA provides shareholders register keeping services to joint stock companies, as well as securities account opening and maintenance services to corporate and individual customers. CDA’s clientele has grown steadily for the past few years reaching over 1,500 companies and more than 150,000 securities accounts to date. Early in 2008 Armenian CSD became a member of the NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.

Trinidad & Tobago Central Depository
The Trinidad and Tobago Central Depository Limited (TTCD) was incorporated as a subsidiary of the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Limited in 1998. The Depository provides clearing and settlement of securities transactions for participants by a book entry system.

Jamaica Central Securities Depository
The Jamaica Central Securities Depository (JCSD), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Jamaica Stock Exchange, is a facility for holding securities which enables share transactions to be processed by book entry. The JCSD registers the stock in its nominee’s name.

Bahamas Central Securities Depository
Bahamas Central Securities Depository Limited owns and operates an electronic registration platform that enables securities transactions.

Barbados Central Securities Depository
The Barbados Central Securities Depository Inc. (BCSDI) is a limited liability company which was incorporated in 1998. The BCSDI offers clearing and settlement and also services as Registrar of public and listed companies as well as mutual funds.
Regard clients

Seychelles Breweries Limited (SBL) Diageo Group

Co-operative Bank Of Kenya
Coop Bank of Kenya uses REGARD for in house share registration requirements as well as for providing services to its corporate customers.

Ghana Commercial Bank
After a successful IPO in 1996, for which Ghana Commercial Bank used Percival’s then RTA product for running their share registration service; operations were migrated to REGARD in February, 2010.

Kerry Group
Kerry Group plc successfully migrated their share registration system to Percival’s product in 1994 and have since upgraded their system to REGARD in 2012.

Ascendant Group Ltd
Revenue clients

Barbados Stock Exchange
The Barbados Stock Exchange (BSE) faciliates the participation of Barbadians and foreigners in the trading of both local and international securities with an efficient and cost-effective capital market.
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